A runner looking for a daily trainer that can be used for various activities. My ideal day with these shoes on would be, going for a short run and then right into a cross-training workout. Its overall comfort and stability make it a great choice for those days that you need it to wear more than one hat.
This shoe is not for the runner looking for a shoe that will carry them throughout marathon / ultra-distance training. Although comfortable, it tends to lack responsiveness as the miles go on.
Under Armour is known for its athletic gear all over the world. It has become very popular like Nike and Adidas. Just like those companies they want to be known as having some solid choices when it comes to running shoes. With that being said, they are newer to the shoe game. From where they were a few years ago they have come a long way. The Under Armour HOVR Turbulence 2 is a great improvement towards those goals of being known as a running shoe brand.
They are listed for $100 on Under Armour’s website but on many other websites, I have seen them for sale for much less. I just looked at what they were on Amazon and they were $85. That is a steal. Are they even worth $100 though? I think so. They are versatile and well-made.
Weighing in at 8.3oz for the women’s and 9.8 oz for the men’s. It has an overall lightweight feel to it. They have a ground-connected feel to them and I attribute that to the 8mm offset.
These are the second version of the UA Turbulence. You’ll notice a slight difference in their appearance and some updated shoe technology has been added. Some features they offer are a breathable lightweight knit upper, deluxe comfort system sock liner, Responsive UA HOVR™ cushioning, and durable rubber outsole.
I have tested out a handful of UA shoes and I can say that the Turbulence has been the most bang for your buck.
I am a big fan of the Charged Asserts from UA but only for cross-training or daily wear.
I would never pick them out for a long run. That’s similarly how I feel about the Turbulence 2s.
My first impression when I opened the box was positive. For being in the budget category, they didn’t take one that looks like some shoes that fall in that category do. They have a sleek and modern look to them.
Colorwise, I purchased the white/ red combination which I didn’t like initially but it’s grown on me. They come in many other color choices so there is something for everyone’s tastes.
One of the first areas that stood out to me was the midsole. It has this net-looking design that covers from the midfoot back to the heel area.
My first time wearing them was just to cross-train. My workout had a mix of body-weighted exercises with some running/sled pushes.
My initial thought when I slipped my feet into them was ok they are decently comfortable but not overly plush. For the first 2 weeks, I only used them for 5k and under runs. Once I broke them in, I started to see what they had to offer.
I took them out for multiple 6-8 mile runs and enjoyed the ease I felt during those efforts.
They have a true-to-size fit with plenty of room in the toe box for your toes to splay.
The upper is made out of a breathable knit material that is one piece. There are no overlays which makes it feel exceptionally comfortable all over the top of the foot.
Its breathability is one of this shoe’s strongest features. I have tested this shoe out for closer to 100 miles and there is no sign of wear. Even with the upper being so light and airy, it doesn’t take away from the durability it has to offer.
This is a great shoe for those warmer weather days. I will say it is not a shoe I pick out if it’s raining. It is not waterproof and tends to get saturated very easily.
Another area that UA has done exceptionally well is add a deluxe comfort system sock liner that gives you the ultimate step-in comfort.
Looking at the tongue, it had the perfect amount of padding and lay nicely on top of the foot. The laces are flat and standard. I had no issues with them coming untied as long as I double-knotted them.
The heel counter is built up and stiff. I had no rubbing and a pretty good locked-in fit. If I didn’t lace up my laces tight enough, I would experience some slight slipping.
The midsole is cushioned with plush HOVR™ technology that delivers responsiveness and energy return. UA has a whole HOVR line of running shoes. What’s HOVR you might ask?
It’s a proprietary foam compound developed in collaboration with Dow Chemical, and it’s held together by an ‘Energy Web’ compression fabric that holds the foam, providing superb cushioning and shock absorption.
This technology is uniquely Under Armour’s. They have partnered with Dow Chemical to create this midsole, which makes sure that the UA HOVR is made from the highest quality materials and that the energy web compression fabric secures the foam.
UA says that this midsole will mold your foot and give you back the energy you put in with every step. At first, I felt that this midsole was a bit firm but after a few wears I could start to feel this molding take place.
The outsole is made out of a durable rubber that gives you traction and flexibility. Each time you take a step you’ll notice how easy it makes your toe offs feel.
I have tested them out in various conditions and surfaces like rain, pavement, and gravel. I experienced no problems with traction but I would recommend using them for the road or surfaces like that.
The UA HOVR Turbulence 2 has grown on me. I initially didn’t love the shoes but after wearing them for a few weeks for various distances, I can honestly say I find myself reaching for them over my normal go-to choices.
I start my day with a run and then I’m on my feet all day. They are the perfect pick for the individual looking for a versatile shoe that offers all-over comfort that won’t put a dent in your wallet.
4 months ago
I’ve had a decent experience with the HOVR Turbulence 2 but didn’t find them as responsive as I expected. The cushioning is nice, but I feel the energy return is lacking compared to other similar-priced models. Also, after a few weeks, the outsole already showed signs of wear, which was kind of disappointing. On the plus side, they’re lightweight and the mesh upper is really breathable. Maybe better suited for casual runners?
4 months ago
I had the HOVR Phantoms before, and was wondering—how do these compare in terms of comfort and durability for daily running? I’m mainly using them on roads with a mix of short 5k runs and the occasional long-distance run. Looking for a versatile pair!