Flat Feet – All You Need to Know
Causes, symptoms, issues and treatment options for flat foot.

When a person stands, there should be a gap beneath the inner part of the foot, as the arch is raised off the ground.
If you stand on tip toes, do you see an arch of your feet? To confirm this further, you can push your big toe back as far as possible.
If an arch appears your foot is normal and flexible. If there is no arch, it means you have got flat feet. Sometimes you see a fallen arch in only one foot, but commonly you see Flat feet on both legs.
Flat feet are also called “Fallen arches”, which means you have no arch in your feet or the arch is very low. Therefore your feet will be flat on the ground.
The foot print of a person with Flat feet also differs from the foot print of a normal foot.
Our human foot is made out of 26 bones which are connected by 33 joints. There are more than 100 muscles, ligaments and tendons which make our feet flexible and prepare us to bear weight and mobilize. The arch provides a spring to your step and helps to distribute the body weight across feet to legs up to your hip.
If the arches are normal and flexible it is great. However if it is not, there are many ways you can overcome this issue. (Also be sure to check our selection of best running shoes for flat feet).
Common causes of Flat feet are;
When there is damage or rupture of your posterior tibial tendon, it can also lead to flat feet. This tendon plays a major role in supporting the arch of the foot.
Some people with flat feet do not experience any symptoms luckily. However others will experience a variety of symptoms, which depends on the severity of their Flat feet. As the structure of the arch determines how you walk, if it is not sturdy and flexible, you might experience symptoms related to your Flat feet.
If you experience one or more of the above symptoms, it is likely that it is related to your Flat feet.
Flat feet can affect your posture when you are standing. It can also affect your walking and running. When your body alignment is faulty, it can result in further injuries to your feet, ankles, knees and hips.
Flat feet needs treatment only if they cause discomfort or pain, if it indicates an underlying disorder or if it causes pain in other areas of the body.
When Flat feet causes problems to you, do not get disheartened, as there are always solutions for you. There are simple devices which you can use to support alignment of your feet or exercises you can follow to minimize your discomfort.
If you developed Flat feet recently, if you have pain and discomfort which doesn’t improve with well-fitting supportive shoes or if you have pain in knees, hip and back due to Flat feet, you should seek medical advice. Your doctor will diagnose the condition and will look for any underlying causes by ordering some investigations like X- Rays, CT or MRI scans.
If there are underlying causes like Arthritis, diabetes and other muscular conditions, they will be treated accordingly. Some with severe Flat feet may have to undergo surgery if necessary.
For the pain and inflammation, your doctor will prescribe anti-inflammatory pain killers like Ibuprofen or other NSAIDs depending on severity.
There are certain exercises recommended by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) to improve the flexibility and strength of your feet. Get advice from a podiatrist or a physical therapist for specific exercises which can manage symptoms of Flat feet and prevent worsening of the condition.
Some of these exercises are;
Get supportive well fitted shoes for flat feet. Fitted insoles or orthotics, or even custom designed arch supports can relieve pressure on your arch and reduce pain and discomfort of your feet and helps to distribute weight in a better way.
If there is inflammation of tendons, wearing an ankle brace may be helpful.
Rest until the symptoms subside is important if the Flat feet are due to a result of injury and inflammation.
Maintain a healthy weight. If you are obese, lose weight by following a proper diet plan and regular exercise.
Just because you have Flat feet, it doesn’t mean that you have to be worried over it. There are so many solutions to Flat feet. Meet your doctor, seek help. Learn an exercise routine. You will be able to lead a pain free life despite your Flat feet.